Nobody Told Me Creating Particle Systems Would Be Fun

Hello there. It has been a while, hasn't it? It's our last month working on this project and as usual, we're making good and steady progress on our game. I learn new things every chance I get when I am able to work on this project outside of work, and it's kind of relaxing. It keeps me busy and I feel like I am helping my teammates when I get a chance to work on it. Though there are a few bugs in our game, I can't guarantee that we'll be able to fix them all in time before the month's over, and that's okay. As long as it runs smoothly, we should be fine.

Though, one problem that I had with the game were the particle effects. I wasn't really sure how to get started with them until I looked them up on YouTube.

As it turns out, creating particle systems in Unreal is pretty easy for me. I just need any shape on a black background, such as this:

Turn it into a texture, turn said texture into a material, apply some magic with the color values and alpha channel and set the end result to an emissive glow, and set the blend mode of said material to additive.

After playing with the particle systems for a little bit, I managed to create this for the Dash powerup in our game:

So far, I've already gotten the particle effects done for the Battery collectible and the Dash powerup, but I feel like the hardest part would be to create unique particle effects for each one. I am not sure if my teammates want them to be the same, but I'll see what I can do and wait for their response on them. Maybe I can do different shapes for each one, but I'm afraid that it'll be tacky in the final version.

That's about it for now. In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.


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