Update on Project

So, about our project, it's going good so far. We've managed to fix a majority of the bugs that were in the game and we made a build of it on Wednesday. In my last blog post, I mentioned about the turret not fixing itself to the players position and firing at said player. Not only that, there were a few issues with the particles. When I tried applying the particle system to the pickup, it reset the defaults. Meaning that there will be no sound or anything like that when you pick it up.

Good news, though, Munnie and I managed to fix the issues with the pickup and turret. I can showcase the turret for you in the video I have in this post. You may notice that the player is stuck in the T-pose, but that's only because I am playing in the Unreal project and not the build itself. The build has the player animations for the player controller. But, debugging the turret was the hard part. We decided to use a box collider instead of a sphere collider, even though those are the same thing. We also used pawn sensing to sense the player controller, which is what I should've done in the first place. In other words, sounds are added, particles are added, this is looking like a game to me.


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