
Hello there, this'll be our Post-Mortem blog post for the game.

What went right with our game was that our scope for it was on point. No major hiccups, since everything was planned correctly, our small team allowed for no communication issues, the program that we used for version control, Perforce, saved us from any merge conflicts when we committed our changes, and Unreal Engine is super easy to work with, leaving us with a smooth build.

A few things did go wrong: such as hunting for assets. None of us are artists, so we ended up having to hunt for any free assets that we would fit our theme. Not only that, Unreal had its own fair share of shenanigans, such as random errors here and there, C++ documentation could  be better, and there were a few problems with Perforce going down. But besides that, we managed to create a functioning game. I hope you enjoy it.


AstroShippingCoSetup.exe 802 MB
Nov 17, 2022


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