I am not a fan of enemy AI and I don't have a clever title for this blog post

This blog post is going to be... well, less professional than what I normally do. Throughout these past few months, I have learned one thing, artificial intelligence in general is hard. Just when I think I am doing something right with the enemy, there is always something breaking it. Not to mention, graduation is coming up and I just ordered my graduation regalia, so I've been freaking out a bit about that.

Anyways, I really gotta move things into high gear and try my best with these silly turrets.  As of right now, these turrets aren't really the best. They sometimes work, and sometimes they don't. Meaning that they sometimes target the player, but other times, they shoot in another direction. Not only that, I am still using a placeholder asset, which means I need to find a final asset for the turret. I can have Munnie help me with this, since the asset that I found is a Unity asset, and he can help me with packaging it in Unreal.

Future Turret Asset

As for the sphere collision, I am sorry, but I am not sure where I can go with this. I don't want to use an Event Tick, which is dirty, meaning that it'll check for a specific action on every tick and that'll end up causing the game to lag. But, there are many ways that I can work around this, one solution using custom events, one for aiming and another for fire. Thankfully, I have work off tomorrow to work on this.

I'll see what I can do in the meantime.

Here are some videos that can probably help me. Maybe they can work?


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