View all by Mani Singh
Mani Singh
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November 18, 2022
Hello there, this'll be our Post-Mortem blog post for the game. What went right with our game was that our scope for it was on point. No major hiccups, since everything was planned correctly, our smal...
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Update on Project
November 13, 2022
So, about our project, it's going good so far. We've managed to fix a majority of the bugs that were in the game and we made a build of it on Wednesday. In my last blog post, I mentioned about the tur...
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I am not a fan of enemy AI and I don't have a clever title for this blog post
November 07, 2022
This blog post is going to be... well, less professional than what I normally do. Throughout these past few months, I have learned one thing, artificial intelligence in general is hard. Just when I th...
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Nobody Told Me Creating Particle Systems Would Be Fun
October 31, 2022
Hello there. It has been a while, hasn't it? It's our last month working on this project and as usual, we're making good and steady progress on our game. I learn new things every chance I get when I a...
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Work with Cinematic Camera
October 22, 2022
So, I managed to do everything that I wanted to do for this month, though there were a few hiccups along the way. Though, that's fine, these kinds of things happen during game development, as well as...
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How To Add SFX to Collectibles and Pick-Ups
October 17, 2022
This blog post will be a little different than the one that I normally do, but good news: pretty much everything is done with the enemy turrets, despite the lack of a finalized asset for them. What I...
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Progress on Turret, Almost Done
October 11, 2022
Terribly sorry about the late blog post, but I'll be sure to keep this as brief as possible. So, I am making decent progress on the turret enemy. I managed to figure out the clamping issue, as well as...
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October 04, 2022
I managed to fix mostly the issues with the enemy I had last week, now it is time to talk about the turrets. In case you are new to video games, Google defines a turret as a small tower on top of a la...
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Working on Enemies
September 26, 2022
I should really keep track of these blog posts. Between school and work, I lose track of time. But in other news, the build was submitted earlier this week and I believe we did a pretty good job on it...
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Collectathon Games
September 19, 2022
Mani Singh
While developing Astro Shipping Co. we have been inspired by a lot of different video games. The primary inspiration for Astro was the game Super Mario Odyssey. We thought Super Mario Odyssey did a gr...
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A Disappearing Act
September 19, 2022
Last week I was tasked with building a puzzle for our game. Not being a level designer by any means, this task took a bit of time to complete, as I wanted to make something simple enough to be a good...
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Working on Other Obstacles
September 19, 2022
It has been a fun two months for this project. I have somewhat familiarized myself with Unreal, as well as widgets and blueprints. But, I still have trouble with the UI from time to time. Right now, I...
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Inspiration from Other Games
September 12, 2022
Sorry about the late blog post, I didn't get much chance to work on the project, since I was moving. But as of right now, I am currently working on the environmental hazards for the level and the stat...
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Placing Items into Zazi's Hands
September 12, 2022
Mani Singh
Alright so when you want to go about adding equippable items to your game, you have many ways to do it. However one thing you must do is set up sockets in the skeleton of your character. To do this, o...
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So, You Want To Get Into Level Design…
September 10, 2022
#Game Design
First things first, I am an artist at heart, though I would like to think that I am a decent programmer. Programming is not necessarily my strong suit, but I was able to make it this far and it was ce...
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Enemies, Shenemies
September 03, 2022
Artificial Intelligence in Unreal is a bit more simple than I thought it would be, considering my lack of expertise on the subject itself. So far, I managed to produce an enemy and even my own sandbox...
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Level Blockouts
August 26, 2022
Mani Singh
First and foremost, I am a programmer. I have the most experience in coding and designing things is just a hobby of mine that I like to do. For Astro Shipping Co. we wanted to create a level that play...
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Will It Ever End?!
August 26, 2022
Last week I was tasked with implementing an end state to our game. The objective was for the player to collect some batteries to reach the end game state, allowing the player to continuously loop thro...
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Unreal is a Buggy Mess
August 26, 2022
I managed to get the UI working, but man Unreal can be unreliable sometimes. It's not a bad program, but there was an issue to where I couldn't save anything, even with source control disabled. Also,...
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Picking a BONE with Unreal's Animation Retargeting
August 19, 2022
Mani Singh
#Munnie's Posts
Haha I only kid... but for build v2 I was tasked with removing the old UE4 Mannequin and replace him with our new model, Zazi. When taking on the task I thought to myself, "this is easy, I'll be done...
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Trouble with UI
August 19, 2022
“The game was experiencing severe frame rate drops, down to 20 FPS, when the second wave of enemies were spawning in our game. Testers were having trouble engaging in the core combat of the game and...
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Hello, Ian here.
August 12, 2022
Hello, this is Ian Wright. I am one of the developers of this upcoming project, Astro Shipping Co., along with Munnie Singh and Sierra Negron. The synopsis of this game is that this is a Sandbox-style...
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