Inspiration from Other Games

Sorry about the late blog post,  I didn't get much chance to work on the project, since I was moving. But as of right now, I am currently working on the environmental hazards for the level and the status effect system.

For the environmental hazards, I was thinking about doing something similar to the toxic waste from Half-Life. But, it'll chip damage away from the player when the player collides with it instead of an instant death. It's not working right now, because the player controller isn't functioning right now, but hopefully after it gets fixed, I believe it should work.

As for the status effect system, I am taking inspiration from Postal: Brain Damaged. When the player uses the hot sauce or ice piss powerup, it'll display an overlay, depending on the powerup used. Fire for the hot sauce, and ice for the ice piss. I don't want it to be all over the screen, probably some slight color overlay on the screen to the point where it's not distracting the player. I will have to look into this and maybe have to use widgets for these overlays. Progress is coming along swimmingly, I'll keep you updated.


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